Monday, April 12, 2010


The intention of my legacy

A poem by Hector S Kunene

I am.
My birth symbolised irreversible revolution
I am glad I was not aborted, though I can never dispute a possible thought
My legacy lives on between my thoughts and my action
This life is but a flowing river from one to fill the other yet maintaining its origin.
These are the defining moments of where my ability is to bring about existence
These are the times of my true expressions releasing my inner potential
These times were recorded in the big book time before my journey began
My breaths and wreaths, sweats and statistics of my life were before I am.
I stretch my thoughts till my veins pound blood clots of ideas
Questioning time after time the true potential bared before my path
My legacy to toll and scroll down the life I aspired every breath I took
I finally understood the true meaning of my purpose of my legacy on earth
This life will not surpass my hard efforts in vain
I will never bear a fruitless crown on my walks long before I fall
This world can take a gift and send it to the dogs for a game of fouls
There is a true meaning of one's existence, every one's existence!
There is magnificence in a spoken word
There is a certain equivocal meanings that one is imperative to find
This life is of no use for the useless mind
I am.
I stand by my word that binds and defines who I am. H.S. Kunene

1 comment:

Skietreker said...

What a moving inspiring piece,
if we cant appreciate what is written today tomorrow will have no meaning

its such a marvel to witness writers who elevate Christ in words

"I stretch my thoughts till my veins pound blood clots of ideas"

"Hector you remind me of Peterson"