By Khahliso Khama
Omoseye Bolaji, the Free State based author of international repute,
has published his latest book, titled Miscellaneous Writings.
Miscellaneous Writings (2011) is his latest book, the 30th of the
author. Already the book is making a hit nationally and beyond. Bolaji
told Mangaung Issue: “Actually I did not know it was my 30th book,
until the literary pundits pointed this out. It does not really matter
anyway. I have always maintained that quality is more important than
quantity. There’s no point churning out loads of drivel,”
Bolaji, who started writing creatively as a youngster, explained
further: “The classical example is of course Emily Bronte who
published only one novel, one book – Wuthering Heights which is an all
time classic. I suppose Africa’s Tsitsi Dangarembga has made her mark
too with her Nervous Conditions. It is more important for one’s books
to be recognized and respected among experts, and generally,”
Bolaji certainly has no problem in this wise. Most of his books,
particular the fiction, are celebrated worldwide, with countless
essays, critiques in different languages dissecting his literary work.
His literary creation, detective Tebogo Mokoena is globally famous.
Additionally, many books have been published appreciating Omoseye
Bolaji the writer himself.
His latest book, Miscellaneous Writings, as the name implies, contains
a selection of many of his diverse writings for international
magazines and journals. The topics dealt with in the new work range
from African and international literature, to sports and music.
Pule Lechesa, the well known literary critic, who wrote the
introduction to Bolaji’s latest book, told Mangaung Issue: “Omoseye
remains a key figure in the quintessential world of letters, and
inspirational creativity. He not only continues to galvanize
literature in general, but maintains his impressive fecundity,”
* Reproduced by kind permission of Mangaung Issue. First published on July 13 2011